April 16, 2007

Reader suggestions... your chance at immortality!

In an almost unfathomable display of generosity, and to comply with certain court orders, I've decided to tackle the most pressing issues in Azeroth as suggested by you, my loyal readers. For an unspecified amount of time, I will humbly subject my ineffable wit and wisdom to any topic you wish. Simply leave a comment expressing your desires, and they shall come to pass.

Unless, of course, you leave something retarded like "talk about how sexy night elves are," in which case you will become the subject of as much scorn and ridicule I can muster.


Psyae said...

Potential topics:

-relationships (sexual, otherwise?) between warlocks and their demonic minions [perhaps compare hunter relationships with their pets?]

-passing a disability act in order to protect the interests of height-challenged and other individuals with "challenges"

-why aren't there any "cool" bars in Azeroth or the Outlands?

-have you seen female Draenei run? Isn't it the silliest looking run you've ever seen? I think Draenei should run on all fours. And have to wear saddles. I mean, they are hoofed, right?

-and.... anything about you is good. Perhaps you could open up a local order. Minions of Crystalis. I'd join, of course, were it not for interference from my own minions...

Anonymous said...

Have you been to a wedding in Azeroth? I'm fascinated by such events. Did the bride tailor her own gown? Did the groom have a wild bachelor party at the Blue Recluse? Any thoughts on inter-racial unions?

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know how you keep your hair in such fine shape.

On another thought, which of your minions would you most likely take on a vacation.

Your top ten hit list of the mobs you most want to dispatch of

Anonymous said...

"the subject of as much scorn and ridicule I can muster"... The mind boggles! No idle threat, there!

- Your long-term plans for your new(ish) house.

- Top remodeling tips for Ironforge, or other location of your choosing.

- Thoughts on Bloodelves: poseurs, or truly the most arrogant ever?

Sylvina Solaris said...

I need to hear your opinions on blood elves and the blood knights. If we can enslave an awesome powerful being, we're almost as good as a warlock right?

PS. I added you to my blog:

runescape account said...

I would like to know how you keep your hair in such fine shape. Really good!

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Your top ten hit list of the mobs you most want to dispatch of, right?